Final Push for their Sponsored Walk(Virtual) Fundraiser: - The Friends of St. Ita’s would greatly appreciate your support in the final couple of weeks of this fundraiser which is due to be wound up by July 31st (end of the month).
So far the event has been a huge success with over €13,000 raised to-date and we are hopeful it will reach €16,000/€18,000 with a little extra help from our wonderful supporters who have brought us to this point for which we are extremely grateful.
As you will be aware from previous press releases all funds raised are being put to great use in helping to fund many essential improvements including services and equipment. Regarding the latter we are delighted to report that the recently acquired high-tech rehab equipment purchased by the Friends at the enormous cost of €63,500.00 for St. Ita’s Rehab Unit, is proving hugely beneficial in the patient treatment process particularly in relation to patients who have suffered a stroke as well as in a whole range of other patient therapy uses.
Rehab Staff are extremely pleased so far with patient outcomes and excited by the enormous potential in patient rehab treatment which this very specialised rehab equipment provides. Needless to say the Friends are thrilled to have funded this purchase which otherwise would not have happened but we would hasten to add only made possible for the Friends because of the outstanding generosity of our very loyal supporters from this great community.
And so to help us maintain this great work for the residents and patients from this community in St. Ita’s we gratefully ask for your further support in helping us to maximise this fundraising opportunity by way of sponsorship in these final days which can be given to any of our committee members or by giving in a donation to St. Ita’s Reception for the attention of the Friends of St. Ita’s. Once again our very grateful thanks for all your wonderful support and unfailing generosity.
Fergus Scanlan